Monday, May 29, 2006

Eve of the 40th

Proving yet agin that age is no barrier, chief hit every fairway and most greens to walk off the 18th of the east with his pride intact after partnering the Docta to a memorable half against the Bellringer and Shirls. Whilst their opposition may argue that they were robbed, Chief and doc reckon that Bellringer and Shirls got off lightly and if it wasn"t for a missed put for par on 15, the good guys would have prevailed.

In the end it was a suitable result. The rest of the night was a cracker with a cast of thousands at the Chiefs 40th and serious hangovers everywhere, particularly on the 0900 flight to Hobart (note the view from the end of my street when I got back).


PS I need a little help to format these pics and text ferg.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Hope Island conquered

The Chief proved that age is no barrier with a blitzing putting display at Hope Island today.

It was a great pleasure to join the Chief, Craw and Doc for a wonderful round at a mighty fine course. This is what greens at IGC can be like!?!

Craw took the money with a robust 74, or 76, or perhaps it was closer to 80, no one really knows how many gimmes crept onto the card...

Here are some pics from this most enjoyable of days. Thanks a million for organising it, Chief. Superb!

Craw blasting off the 10th.

Doc took a few blows out there, but still has one of the finest finishes in the game...

Birthday Boy with some work to do on the knees. Whatever the look, he can't complain - barely missed a fairway all day.

A screamer on the 11th, despite the propensity to be leaning back...

Friday, May 19, 2006

Japanese 'entertainment'

A mate in Japan sent this to me. It is completely stupid but very very funny. Have a great weekend. I am looking forward to an afternoon tonk tomorrow with Chief, John and Craw. Lions by 19.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

What is it about the Shark?

As you probably know, the Shark is in the counrty. Saw a pic of him hitting off the back of a boat in Sydney harbour. Didnt see Schnapper in the background giving a few tips, but am sure he schmozed his way on to the cruiser.

The media report that Shark is 'the drawcard' for this year's Australian Open at Royal Sydney. Got me thinking. How can someone who hasnt won a tournament since petrol was 60c a litre (1997) be the drawcard? He cant win? In fact, fair chance he wont make the cut. Is this a just a 'Shark' thing? What other sport would provide space for someone like this? Rather odd.

Most of you have probably heard by now that Lisa and I and the kids are moving to Adelaide, probably in July. Our house went on the market today. I will miss youse all heaps! But, dont worry, I will be in BrisVegas for key events, inc the Gabba test v Poms. Anyone know when the PDC are on? I hope the move to SA will provide all of you with the inspiration to visit, drink some fine booze and have tonk at some great golf course - Links Lady Bay is a cracker.

Cheers for now

PS. I will shortly send out emails inviting you to be authors for the blog. Enjoy at your leisure.